Tuesday, March 25, 2008

In His Time

All Things Beautiful In HIS Time

My Dearest Friend,

HELLO! It's great to be in touch with you again, FINALLY! You have no idea how often I have thought of you, and have had you in my prayers. I am so sorry that it has been so long since I sent out my last chronicle, but I am happy to say since I updated you last, God has worked and moved in my life in an incredibly awesome way. I can't wait to share it with you! I hardly know where to start. I will undoubtedly leave something out,
but I will do my best.

I believe that it has been 6 months or so since I sent out my last Chronicle. Since then, I am pleased to say that the Lord has moved me on from Bangor, Maine to the Ogdensburg, Ne
w York area. I also have the privilege of sharing with you that I have met what I believe to be the sweetest, most beautiful, godly young woman that I have ever known. Her name is Sarah. We have been dating now for roughly 5 months, and they have truly been the best 5 months of my life. This is not a relationship that was entered into lightly by any means. Sarah and I both put a lot of time, thought, and prayer before making the decision to court. Sarah is 27 years old and teaches Kindergarten in Ottawa, Ontario.

Another praise that went along with meeting Sarah, has been the blessing of being able to get to know her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Roberts are such gracious, kind, hospitable, and caring people. They have both been so good to me. They have treated me completely like a member of the family since I began dating Sarah.
Mrs. Roberts even shared with me that she had been praying for us even before we began to date. They welcome me into their home any time that I want to come and see Sarah. It’s so exciting to be dating a girl who's parents greatest desire is that their daughter serve the Lord and live for Him. I have had the opportunity to sit and talk with both Mr. and Mrs. Roberts, and each time left with a feeling of encouragement and blessing. Every time that I have had an important situation that needed prayer, they have stopped what they were doing to take time to pray with me. How awesome is that? As the months go by, and the Lord leads, I will continue to share more about how things are progressing with Sarah and I.

I am writing you now from the thriving metropolis of Heuvelton,
New York where I am living with a single Pastor temporarily until I can find more permanent housing. Heuvelton is a village with a population of roughly 800. I am substitute teaching temporarily in the nearby town of Ogdensburg, New York; population 15,000. Ogdensburg is a border town before crossing into Prescott, Ontario. Ogdensburg is located about an hour and fifteen minutes South of Ottawa, Ontario.

After praying about the move to Heuvelton, I asked the Lord if He would set up all the details before I moved there. So, I went up to visit Sarah for a week, and while visiting we took a trip down to Ogdensburg, met with the Pastor that I'm currently living with, and was offered the opportunity to stay with him. After meeting with the Pastor, I was interviewed and offered a substitute teacher position the same day. So as you can see, God set it all up. I am more than in awe of how the Lord set up every detail, and how He set my heart and mind at ease more than ever in my life. Praise God!

I am finally at a point where I feel the Lord has given me the green light to fully pursue full time youth ministry. I know that in the past I have shared my desire to be a Pastor, but looking back now I see that everything that I have been through up to this point has served to prepare me for where I
am now as I enter the ministry. I still remember many of my spiritual mentors sharing with me the importance of being faithful in the little things, and then He will bless you with the bigger things. I have learned that in so many ways, and praise God for it. I am now pleased to say that I am in the process of applying and praying for a Youth Pastor position. Please pray that the Lord's Will be done in this area. This coming Thursday, March 27th, I have a phone interview with a church in Orleans, Ontario for a youth, young adult, and young family Pastor's position. I will keep you posted.

My family is doing pretty well back in Maine. Roughly a year or so ago my mother opened a cute little novelty store that she named "The Treasure Chest". It's located in Lincoln, Maine, if anyone is ever interested in taking a look sometime. She is loving it. It's not making her rich, but she loves it. Please continue to pray for the salvation of my mother Tanya, and brothers Aaron, Timmy, and Chad. As I'm sure many of you know, it's very hard witnessing to your family, but I do try on a regular basis, and recognize that sometimes my witness has to be through my testimony towards them. Please pray that I continue to be an honest testimony to my unsaved friends and family.

The week b
efore last, I had an opportunity to go back to Maine for a few days to say some goodbye's and tie up some loose ends. Sarah and I drove to Maine where I had a very bittersweet time with some of my family and friends. To my surprise, before coming to Maine, my dear Sarah had planned a surprise going away party for me, with the help of my brother and mother. It was a complete surprise. I was completely humbled. It was the first time I've ever had anything done for me like that before. It was a very bittersweet time. I'm so glad and thankful to have people that love me like that.

I can't tell you how great it is to be back up and running full speed, knowing that the Lord is guiding my feet. Through the past several months as I have been watching Jesus mold and shape me in ways that I never thought possible, I have sat down and tried to think of a way to share with you all that He has done in my life in the past 6 plus months
. I realize now that all that matters is that you know, as I'm sure you already do, that all things are going to work together for good, and God has some awesome things in store for all that love and serve Him.
In His Time

As I sit here this afternoon, I can feel the sun beating down on me from outside the window. That's so nice to feel after all of this cold and snow that we've had. Let me tell you something: If you don't live in the North, you missed out on a lot of snow. I think this is the most snow I've seen in almost 20 years. It's amazing! I don't know about you, but I'm so glad that I'm not in charge of the time and the seasons. I don't claim to understand why and how the Lord works in our lives through the realm of time, but one thing I can tell you is that His timing is perfect. The past several months have been a perfect example in my life of how His timing is perfect.

Time is probably one of the most confusing things to understand in our lives sometimes. In many situations we think that we know when the best time for things to happen should be, when in reality, many times, our own desires, pleasures, and biases deceive us. How many times have you sat back and wondered where you were going, or what you were doing with your life? How many times have you believed that you were on the right track, later to find out that you chose to go the wrong way because you wanted to "speed things up" or were just too impatient to wait?

Ecclesiates 3:11 says "He has made everything beautiful in His time. Also He has put eternity in their hearts, except that no one can find out the work that God does from beginning to end.”

Chapter three of Ecclesiastes is probably one of the most well known chapters in the Bible. The author, believed to be Solomon, reminds us in this chapter that there is a time and purpose for everything under heaven. Take a moment to think about your life and the situations that you are dealing with in your life right now. How many times have your plans ended up being totally outside of the time line that you expected them to take place? How many of those times can we look back and say, "I'm sure glad that didn't happen when I wanted it to!" See, Ecclesiastes 3:11 reminds us that its in HIS time, not ours, that HE makes everything beautiful. Don't forget that this verse is referring to God's plan, not our plan. "Everything" refers to everything in his eternal plan for our life.

I am so glad to know that through all of my mistakes and misguided steps, the Lord is still there to pick me up when I fall. Over the past 6 or more months, as God has been teaching me some of the greatest lessons of my life, the one lesson that he continually teaches me that will be invaluable for the rest of my life, is that lesson that reminds me that He makes all things beautiful…….IN HIS TIME!

I have no idea what you may be going through in your life right now. Whatever it is, know that you have a Father and Lord that desires to lead you through it, and even carry you if you need it. Always remember, His strength is perfect, when our strength is not. ______________________________________________________________________________

Please, do me a favor and send me an email and tell me how you've been. Whats new? Send me your prayer requests. I miss you, and am praying for you. Thanks for caring! Thanks for praying. Remember to keep in touch and keep up to date on what's new in my life by reading my updates at www.groverchronicles.blogspot.com and www.beingjared.blogspot.com.

Till Next time, Waiting for His time,

Jared Grover :)

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