Thursday, November 06, 2008

Great is YOUR Faithfulness!

In this volume, you can read:
1. Update about where I'm living now, and how I got there.
2. My trip to California/Maine with Sarah with lots of pictures

Hello from Ogdensburg, NY,

I trust that your having a great day today, and that the Lord is blessing you beyond compare. You have been in my thoughts and prayers often since the last time I wrote to you. If you get a chance, drop me an email to let me know how your doing and what's new in your life. I look forward to sharing with you some exciting new blessings in my life.

Where I'm at now and how I got there

I have been up here living in the Ogdensburg area now for about almost 6 months now and during this time I have found that the Lord has been stretching me, teaching me, and growing me in ways that I never thought possible. I know that it's easy sometimes to make a statement like that, but I have learned invaluable lessons, and have been blessed with several friends and loved ones who have taken the time to share with me the changes that they have seen in my life. Praise be to God. I often have found myself in places and positions where I wonder why the process of growth and change seemingly takes so long. I am thankful to say that the Lord has shown me loud and clear when done in His time, and His way, all things truly do work together for good. Please continue to pray for me. Pray that my mind would be stayed and focused on him. Pray that this process of growth and surrendering to His Will (which I know is a life long process) will be a source of encouragement to me, and that I would be reminded constantly that when He is honored, and He is glorified, true fruit will be displayed in my life.

One of the 2 major reasons for my move to New York was that it seemed that there were more opportunities for a stable, good paying job than in Maine. I'll let you figure out the other reason (wink wink). I moved to New York practically on a wing and a prayer. I had sought council from my Pastor and a few other Christian friends as to whether or not it was a good idea, or if I was just being foolish. In the past I have made many foolish mistakes, so I really wanted to make sure that this was what the Lord wanted for me. So, after a lot of prayer and advise, I decided that this was what God wanted me to do. I asked the Lord if He wanted me to go, if He would provide both a place to stay, and a job. Sarah's parents were a huge blessing and extended me an offer to stay in their guest room until I could find a place in New York. They live just under and hour from the area I was planning to move to.

Just before I left for New York, I spoke with a Pastor in the surrounding area where I was interested in living. This Pastor happened to know another Pastor who was single and lived in a parsonage with a spare room. To make a long story short, I spoke with that single Pastor, had an opportunity to meet with him when I got to New York, and he offered me a place to stay. It was on the same day I met with this single Pastor that I was also hired to substitute teach in the local school district.

I have so much to be thankful for. To God be all the glory. He has really taught me some extremely important lessons that were a long time coming, and a long time needed.

My trip to California/Maine with Sarah

Fast forward to more recent news. Thanks to several different situations (long me if you want to know more) I had the privilege of traveling to California and Maine with my sweetheart this past summer. We had a great time. By way of a brief synopsis (your probably thinking..."there's no such thing as a brief synopsis with Jared"...but I'll do my best) I will : We caught some rays; swallowed a bit too much salt water in the Pacific Ocean, thankfully with no shark sitings (apparently Ryan Seacrest was keeping their attention at the time)...on a side note, if you don't like seaweed, don't go to the Pacific Ocean..oh my goodness DON'T GO...the seaweed is like hugely overgrown artichoke's with no other purpose then to swallow up humans in its nest (brief video of me and the monster seaweed posted below as proof of my claim).

Anyway, we originally wanted to go to Laguna Beach, but when we got there is way too packed and it cost 20 bucks to park. We ended up at Newport Beach, which was far less packed and the parking was FREE! After the beach, we headed up to Hollywood for the evening...nothing much to see...but Billy Graham had a star on the walk of fame. Who'da thunk it?

We did the whole Disneyland thing. I could go on about that, but I won't. On Sunday for church, we "experienced" the 20,000 member Saddleback church, where Rick Warren, author of the "Purpose Driven" life and church is Pastor. He wasn't there that Sunday (surprise, surprise), instead we heard Doug Fields, one of the youth and teaching pastors. Now that was quite the encounter. To give you an idea of the size, you are able to take a tram from the parking lot to the main worship center. Honestly speaking, it looks a lot like a mini resort city. There is a lot that I could say about Saddleback, but I will refrain. Overall, it was an interesting opportunity to see the "purpose" up close and personal. (see photos on pics to enlarge)

After a great week with my family in California, we flew back to Boston and drove up to Maine where we spent the next week. Unfortunately the good weather didn't follow us, but it was a fun week as well. I had the chance to participate in my dear friend Alana's wedding. Sarah and I took a trip up to Cadillac Mountain, located in Bar Harbor, Maine. It's sights like that that constantly put me in awe of our heavenly Father. Beauty that is indescribable.

To see more photos click links below:
Alana's Wedding
Cadillac Mountain

1 comment:

*Lindsay* said...

Jarebear! You have a blog!!